Genaro Castillon, MD, MSc Medical Advisor (based in Canada)
Our medical advisor acts as a medical resource to YOLARX. As well as providing medical expertise in the areas of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance, the medical advisor is involved in protocol development and discussions with investigators.
Dr. Genaro Castillon is a trained physician who has obtain his medical degree at the Universidad Latinoamericana in Mexico in 2008 and has completed a Master of Science in Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance at the Université de Montreal in 2017. His experience as practicing physician includes clinical examination, paraclinical and patient monitoring, clinical diagnosis in collaboration with different parties, case assessment and clinical record management.
Aurore Bergamasco, PharmD, MSc Research Director (based in France)
Our research director leads projects in the areas of pharmacoepidemiology and therapeutic risk management and collaborates in real-world investigations. She develops study protocols for our numerous research projects and writes and collaborates on peer-reviewed articles.
Dr. Bergamasco is a Research Director for YOLARX Consultants and is leading the Paris office. She has obtained a Master of Science in Pharmacoepidemiology from the Université de Montréal and is also practicing pharmacist in France.
Senior Biostatistician & Programmer, MSc Senior Biostatistician (based in Canada)
Our senior biostatistician is responsible for methodological and statistical aspects of our research projects, including statistical analysis plan writing, and data analysis using claims databases and field studies.
Our senior biostatistician is a mathematician with a Master of Science in Biostatistics and has over 15 years of experience in the analysis of real-world data. The biostatistician has worked in several pharmaceutical drug companies in the US and Europe, as well as in academic centers and has conducted several real-world investigation projects in a variety of therapeutic areas and countries. The senior biostatistician is managing a team of statisticians at YOLARX.
Teigna Arredondo Bisonó, MSc Biostatistician (based in France)
Ms. Arredondo Bisonó has obtained a Master of Science in Statistics from the Institut de Statistique de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France and is specialized in biostatistics. She is responsible for the development of statistical analysis plans, statistical analyses as well as the conduct of quality controls throughout projects involving real-world investigations.